
Mary Geary’s Outdoor Space

Mary Geary Childcare has an outdoor space with over forty outdoor spaces spanning a three acre site.

Some examples of our outdoor areas are: Courtyard, Sensory Walk, Herb Garden, Marquee, Cargo Net, Veg Patch, Sand Pit, Afterschool playground, Classroom Gardens.

The children here are encouraged to engage in all kinds of play as it is proven to benefit them immensely. Each area is equipped for children of all ages and developmental stages as we are an inclusive service.

Here at Mary Geary’s the children lead learning experiences and we encourage as much outdoor play as possible.

Each area is equipped with open ended materials that enrich our learning environment to challenge and stimulate the senses.

Types of play that we extensively encourage here at Mary Geary’s are risky play, free play and messy play. These types of play help to develop the child holistically and who tests their own strengths and limtations. Children that play outside develop better problem solving skills and have a stronger ability to work within a group. Each classroom has free access to an enclosed outdoor garden that the children are free to go to as they please, as this encourages free choice and independence.

 “The best classroom and the richest classroom is roofed only by the sky”

– Margaret McMillan.